*This post was created to raise awareness of the impact of global warming and the recent climate crisis events globally In the heart of the Swiss alpine landscape, a breathtaking symbol of earthly paradise beckons. A planet we fondly call home, its sublime beauty has unfailingly stirred generations of souls, captivating both commoners and artists alike. This cherished haven, where solace and creativity intertwine, serves as a profound connection to the very essence of creation itself. Amidst the backdrop of escalating heat wave days, the heart-wrenching spectacle of Arctic ice melting, and the unsettling warmth engulfing our oceans, we are…
When we discuss global warming and the preservation of the planet, aren’t we really talking about saving life? After all, the planet will still exist with or without our presence. Unfortunately, human greed and short-sightedness continue to render our home uninhabitable. This idea inspired me to create my latest painting, “The Forbidden Land,” which portrays a planet devoid of life, with only a metallic tree sculpture bearing witness to the calamity. The once-golden chain, a symbol of human greed, has now become a barbed wire fence preventing us from entering the land.