Art - Artificial Intelligence

California Poppies (A Field of Uncertain Bloom)

I have long dreamt of creating a painting of California Poppies. I aimed to capture the spirit of the Golden State’s rolling hills, the vibrant orange poppies, and the wild, dynamic essence of California in its spirit and soul. I painted this picture with acrylic on canvas (36″x48″).

There’s always a gap between imagination and execution for an inexperienced painter like myself, but I appreciate the wild nature of this painting. It brings together the gold and oranges of the wilderness in an unsettling yet captivating way that truly reflects the spirit of California.

After creating the picture, I had some fun with Gemini. Generative AI has come to being an intellectual friend with whom I can have conversations ranging from literature to art to comunpter science. I uploaded the image and asked it to generate a New Yorker-style critique of the painting. Here is the response it came up with..

Clearly, It did not make feel too good 🙂 so I asked for another critique and this time I omitted “in the style of New Yorker” from my prompt. Here is another critique from my AI friend.

Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 inches

//End Gemini Response

I continued my converation with the AI and asked it to compare this painting to classical music and if so what era, composer, music that would be and the Gemini obliged.

What do you think about this painting? Do you see any other musical connections in the painting? Leave a comment.

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