
So my Doctor tells me I have adenocarcinoma

I got the call from the radiologist “Mr. Arora you have Pancreas, body mass, EUS-guided fine needle aspiration: Malignant, consistent with adenocarcinoma. In short, Pancreatic Cancer” How do I react? Number one, this news did not come as a surprise. They have been coming in trickles. They had already told me that I had tumors in my Pancreas and also saw some spots light up in my liver.

  • I was prepared for the news. I took it like one does it in meditation. I acknowledged the news and let it pass. 
  • Death does not bother me. It is a family disease I have. I have seen my ancestors and elders dying and I am no exception. I just want to go smiling and loving everyone around me. 
  • But wait? Where am I going anyway? I am 100% sure that gravity is going to keep my ashes on this beautiful planet. So smile, if you see a gray spec of ash after I am gone. It could be me looking at you baby.

3 Comments on “So my Doctor tells me I have adenocarcinoma

  1. Dearest Alok my friend
    Only you could show the world how to live fully, with GRACE during such a time. Thank you for the blessing that is YOU. Hope to see you very soon my friend.

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